I feel so special right now! One of my favorite bloggy friends was kind enough to pass down a neat little blog award to me. Thanks
Marianne for popping my blog award cherry. :p

So without further ado, here are ten random confessions that you may or may not care to know.
1.I am a HUGE procrastinator. In fact, I am blogging right now to avoid doing the pile of homework I have to get finished today including my A&P presentation, a couple of essays for my Art class, and studying for my last lab exam this week. I also need to find my social security card so I can enroll in the CNA course and have yet to put forth an effort to even try to locate the damn thing. Last semester I finished my 10 page research paper for my Developmental Psych class in one day which also happened to be the day it was due. This is probably something I should really work on before it bites me in the ass in NS.
2. I hate chocolate. (“What?!” “Huh?” “You can’t be serious!!!”) Yes, it’s true. I am not a fan of chocolate. Chocolate cake, chocolate pie, chocolate candy, chocolate anything. I can’t stand it. People think I am full of it when I tell them this, after all isn’t it a typical stereotype that ALL women love chocolate? I defy the rules I tell ya.
3. I am trying to woo this chick into being my friend but I think I am coming off as rather stalkerish. There was something about her the first time we met that I really liked. She is always happy and cheerful, super fashionable, and just seems like someone I could really click with. I feel like I am coming off a bit like a desperate creep though so it might be time to back off before I unintentionally offer up my first born child in exchange for her friendship.
4. I am only on number four and running out of things to confess.
5. That makes me feel slightly lame.
6. I hate making small talk with people. I’m not any good at it. I usually end up sharing way too much with potential friends because I can’t think of anything to talk about. I hate talking about the weather, people only want to hear so much about your kids, or nursing school, or your boring job.
7. I think I have social anxiety. Actually, I’m pretty sure I do. I get nervous and sweat and most of the time would rather not go out with a bunch of people I don’t know because I get all awkward and nervous when I am out in public. (see #6)
8. I was really disappointed when I found out my youngest was a girl. I wouldn’t trade her for the world now though and sometimes I feel like I might favor her over my oldest and that makes me feel like a crap mom.
9. I’m only on #9?
10. I have had a ton of people jump into my following lately and that makes me feel super happy. I love logging in and seeing I have a new follower. When I started this blog I had no idea I would even develop a following and figured no one would be interested in the crap I have to say. I must say, that I am falling in love with the world of blogging more and more every day.
So there you have it. 10 confessions (ok, I realize I cheated a little) Now it’s my turn to pass on the award to some of my favorite blog friends.
1) Christine @
A Journey Through Nursing School….& Beyond – You are an amazing woman and I hope you know this.
At Your Cervix – Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments on my blog lately. I love reading your honesty on your blog about what you do and how you feel about it. You are the kind of nurse I look up to and hope to become.
3) Will @
Drawing on Experience – You are freakin hilarious! I absolutely love your drawings and hope you take this award so I can see what you come up with.
4) Nursing Student Mom @
Diary Confessions of a Nursing Student Mom – She is a newbie blogger like me and we seem to be on the same timeline for this crazy ride called Nursing School.
5) Belinda @
Too Many Hats – You have inspired me in so many ways and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it.
6) The Girl @
The Girl Next Door Grows Up – I love how you have such a HUGE following and you still make time to comment on small blogs like mine. Not to mention, you make me try to feel good about myself at least once a week and that is very much appreciated.
7) Rn2b @
Send a Man To Nursing School – You have really made me think long and hard about a lot of things in my life lately and I want to thank you for your wise words you have offered up recently.
8) Michelle @
Pink Haired Momma – What can I say? I love your quirkiness and they way you are absolutely in love with little baby Diva.
9) Elizabeth @
Confessions of a Working Mom – You also have such a huge following and you too make time to comment on my blog. I also love your honestly about raising your kiddo and being a working mom.
10) Crazed Mom @
Chasing Myself – You are so open with your feelings and I love that about you. I wish I could reach through the computer sometimes and give you a great big hug.
So there you have it. My first award passed on to you. I hope you feel special. :)